Check Out These Top 10 Items to Have in Your Hospital Bag For Labour and Delivery

Your due date is getting closer, but have you finished going over the checklist for your hospital bag yet? There are certain important items that you can carry for more comfortable labour and post-delivery experience. This includes things not only for mom but also for the baby and your partner who will be accompanying you to the hospital. Not sure where to start? Here are all the Top 10 Items to have in Your Hospital Bag For Labour and Delivery.

When you are between 36 and 37 weeks pregnant, it is best to have your hospital bag packed and ready to go by the time you reach this point. Having said that, if you are expecting twins or if your OB you are expected to go into labour early, it is wise to have your hospital bag packed by the 35th week, just in case. This is especially important if you are expecting twins.

If you want to get started early on packing, there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Having your hospital bag packed and ready to go when the time comes is of the utmost importance, and a hospital bag checklist is a helpful way to remind yourself of all the essential items that you’ll require.

Top 10 Items to Have in Your Hospital Bag For Labour and Delivery

Here is a list of stuff that you absolutely must have in your hospital bag in order to be prepared for the arrival of your child as soon as possible.

1. Birth Plan, Identification Documents & Insurance Card

Because it will serve as a point of reference for your birth preferences, including pain management, newborn procedures, and postpartum care, this is the most critical document that you need to pack. If you are able to, try to make a few copies! Remember to bring your identification, which you most likely already have with you in your handbag, as it will be required for the purposes of verifying your identity to comply with administrative requirements. If you have health insurance, bring that card with you as well.

2. Clothes to Wear During Delivery and After Giving Birth

It is imperative that one wears soft slippers, a robe with a hood, and comfortable pyjamas. You are not going to want to wear that stiff hospital gown the entire time, so make sure you bring some comfy clothes with you that you don’t mind getting dirty and that you don’t mind perhaps tossing away after your stay at the hospital. The dreary atmosphere of the hospital can be made to feel warmer by providing patients with warm clothing and accessories such as robes, socks, and slippers. Additionally, a robe with an open front will make it easier to breastfeed your child.

There are some expectant women who choose to purchase a maternity hospital gown. The use of maternity hospital gowns comes with a number of advantages during the labour and delivery process. Because they are typically more fashionable than a typical hospital gown, they have the potential to make the mother feel more attractive. They can also serve as an alternative to a robe with an open front for breastfeeding purposes.

3. A Nursing Bra and Nipple Cream

A nursing bra or one that is one size larger than the one you wore throughout your pregnancy is essential if you intend to bottle feed your child. If You’re going to start breastfeeding as soon as possible, so make sure you’re ready for it! If you intend to breastfeed your child while they are in the hospital, nipple cream is an essential item that should be included in your hospital bag checklist. Nipple cream can help soothe and protect nipples that are sore and sensitive.

4. Adult Diapers, Pads and Underwear

Usually, the hospital will provide you with postpartum pads and mesh underwear, but your best bet is to bring your own diapers, maternity pads, and underwear to the hospital with you so that you may feel more secure and comfortable during your stay. You can also use a perineal spray to calm the area.

5. Toiletries

After all that time in labour, you’re going to want to freshen up a bit before the visitors start rolling in and the camera comes out. Pack some face wipes, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, and any makeup you may want.

6. Soft Pillow

It’s possible that the pillows in the hospital will be unpleasant, so having a pillow from home that you’re used to will help you relax. If your significant other intends to stay the night, you must remember to bring a pillow for them as well.

7. Coming-home outfit.

Your baby will need an outfit to go home in, including socks or booties if the clothing doesn’t have feet, and a hat if it’s cold. Make sure your baby’s outfit has legs (so not a baby gown) so that the car seat strap can fit between them easily. You are going to want to have a clean set of clothes on hand to change into for the drive back home. The best option would be something that is both lovely and comfortable.

8. Games!

It’s possible that the baby will take its sweet time entering the world, so make sure you have plenty to keep you occupied in the meanwhile. Make sure you have something entertaining to keep you occupied, whether it be a deck of cards, your favourite magazine, or a series on Netflix that you’ve been meaning to watch.

9. Snacks & Treats

You probably won’t be able to eat before or during labour. However, the last thing you want after giving birth is to dine on hospital food. Pack some of your favourite snacks to munch on, or if you have time, bake your favourite cookies to indulge in post-baby. You’ll be glad you did!

10. Camera, Phone, & Chargers

You are going to want to make sure that you have a record or documentation of this very significant time. If you intend to carry a camera, you should be sure to pack it in your bag along with any additional accessories, such as the appropriate chargers, batteries, memory cards, etc. In addition, remember to bring your phone and its charger with you so that you can keep your loved ones informed as you prepare to welcome your new baby into the world.

Is there anything you shouldn’t bring with you to the hospital?

When it comes to packing your hospital bag, it is possible to bring too much of a variety of items. When you are getting ready to give birth, here is a list of things that you should not bring with you to the hospital:

1. Too many clothes for either you or the baby to wear. Pick one piece of clothing to wear and leave the others at home.

2. Valuables! Do not bring anything that you would be devastated to lose, such as diamond earrings or the priceless watch that your father gave you. Even though hospitals aren’t exactly crime hot spots, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.






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