About Us

Created for mothers by mothers. Dr Parents is a parenting content hub for new and experience mommies. We offer tips, guides and solutions about pregnancy, labor, birth and childcare. Parenthood can be a challenging journey and it’s normal to feel frustrated from time to time. As parents ourselves, we created Dr Parents to share our journey and tips based on our experience.

Mission & Vision
Parenting can be fun too! Dr Parents aims to provide high quality articles and information to our audience. We hope that by providing solutions for your burning questions, you can rest easy and enjoy every precious milestone with your child. As the saying goes: Kids grow up fast and before you know it, they’re already taller than you.

In Dr Parents, we do things differently! Our articles are written by experienced mothers and experts. We also curate our topics to ensure our articles are up-to-date, helpful and relatable to modern working mothers. Join us and become a well-informed mother today!