With all of the talk about a kid obesity problem, many parents are probably surprised that some of their children need to hunt for weight-gain suggestions.
Putting on weight should be simple, right? Simply avoid doing anything that specialists urge you not to do if you are concerned about being overweight. Of course, that isn’t the case. For one thing, children who struggle to acquire weight frequently don’t have a strong appetite, so they don’t eat much. And simply trying to overeat or eat anything you want to gain weight isn’t always good.
Gaining Weight Healthily
Although many parents believe that their children do not eat as well as they would want, this may not be an issue unless they are not gaining weight properly. If your child is thin and eats a lot of junk food, stop him and urge him to eat healthier. Consume ample vegetables and fruits to get enough vitamins, if your child is a picky eater, get him to take a multivitamin.
Whatever the reason, here are some general guidelines for healthy weight gain:
- Not skipping meals.
- Consider eating four or five small meals each day, rather than three big meals, because your child is unlikely to finish all of them.
- Encouraging one or two nutritious snacks per day.
- Avoiding low-nutrient, high-energy foods such as junk foods containing empty calories such as candy, chips, and soft drinks.
- Consuming high-nutrient, energy-dense meals that are high in calories but also contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, such as whole milk, yogurt produced from whole milk, peanut butter, and so on.
- Low-energy or non-energy-containing drinks, such as diet soda and fruit drinks, should be avoided.
- Limiting drinks at mealtimes so that your child does not become overly full and may want to eat more food.
- Consult a qualified dietitian for additional assistance, especially if your child suffers from malabsorption or has a chronic disease that causes him to be underweight.
Most essential, encourage your child to eat when he is most hungry and to at least eat something, rather than completely skipping a meal, if he isn’t hungry at a certain time of day.

Helpful Foods
In general, while you want your child who requires weight growth assistance to consume high-calorie foods, these should be high-nutrient or nutrient-dense, energy-dense good foods rather than merely junk food. So you want foods that are high in protein, fat, and other nutrients in a small package, such as:
- Whole milk or 2% of milk
- Cheese or yogurt prepared from full milk or 2% milk
- Fried eggs
- Peanut butter
- Cereal with whole milk
- Oranges juice
- Trail mix with dried fruit, seeds, and nuts
You might also make a list of the things your child enjoys eating and then look for more nutrient-dense and energy-dense versions of those meals. This should contain fruits and vegetables as well as items from all diet groups.

Although nutritionists generally do not recommend giving children supplements to help them gain weight, it can frequently beneficial to supplement the food and beverages they consume with more calories, such as by adding the following nutrient-dense foods to certain other foods:
- Powdered milk
- Margarine
- Cheese
- Wheat germ
- Peanut butter
- Instant breakfast mix
- Honey
- Avocados
- Sour cream
- Mayonnaise
- Salad dressing
For example, adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of powdered milk to 8 ounces of whole milk (150 calories) will increase the calories in your child’s glass of milk by 30 to 60 calories. Alternatively, you may add a package of meal replacement powder to a glass of whole milk to add an extra 130 calories for a total of 280 calories.
Choosing the right formula milk
Choosing the correct children’s formula milk for your child is another healthy strategy to enhance weight gain. Although there are particular formulas for children who are underweight, it is necessary for parents to be aware of the disadvantages of such formulas, since formula milk that is designed for weight gain frequently has high sugar levels, as sugar is a common source of calorie in milk. As a result, if parents pick these formula milks, they should be very aware about the sort of sugar in the milk.
How Karihome Help With Healthy Weight Gain
Although Karihome Goat’s Milk formula is not a special formula for weight gain, goat milk does have natural benefits in aiding weight gain. This is due to the high concentration of medium-chain fatty acids or medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) in goat milk, which can deliver energy far more efficiently than other animal fats. Because goat milk lipids are only one-third the size of cow milk fats, they are easier to digest and absorb by the human body.
While other weight gain milk formulas contain medium-chain fatty acids (MCT), the MCT in Karihome goat milk is unique in that it is 100% natural. This is significant because natural nutrition is usually preferable to added nutrition because it is easier to digest than non-natural nutrition.
Aside from that, Karihome can promote healthy growth. Natural calcium, the most critical ingredient for good bone formation, is abundant in goat milk.
It is worth to note that Karihome is the only goat milk formula in Malaysia that has been scientifically shown to help children grow. There have been two clinical studies completed utilizing Karihome Goat Milk Formula, and the results reveal a consistent weight gain. It is prepared with 13 vitamins and 12 minerals, and three cups of Karihome Step 3 Growing Up Formula can meet Malaysia’s recommended nutrition intake for children over the age of one.

You can also substitute powdered milk for water in some recipes, like when making pudding or oatmeal. Or you could add a serving of cheese to some of your child’s favorite foods to boost them by about an extra 60 calories. Even a banana can get a boost of calories by adding a tablespoon of peanut butter, to get your child an extra 100 calories for this snack.
Keep in mind that many of these weight-gain methods aren’t normally required for children who only eat one meal each day. This is developmentally normal at this age, since many toddlers and preschoolers may only eat one good meal a day and choose at the other meals.
This type of toddler diet is usually fine as long as your child does not overdo it on milk and juice and is gaining weight properly.