4 Foods That Will Help Your Kid In Building Stronger Immune System

Photo source: Popsugar

In these unprecedented times, maintaining a good immune system matters more than ever. While keeping our hygiene clean and practicing social distancing and frequent handwashing is important, it is unrealistic to assume that we can prevent all possibilities of getting infected by COVID. Hence the question now becomes: How do we protect ourselves from the inside? In this article, we will look at the foods that can effectively boost our immune system.


Four Foods Rich In Immune-Boosting Nutrition

Citrus fruits

Photo source: Mishry Reviews

This is probably not a surprise to you but our first food group that is scientifically proven to boost our immune system is citrus fruits. This is because citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which help modulate our immune system so it functions optimally. Some studies also indicate that vitamin C can reduce flu symptoms. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidation in our body. Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.


Probiotics and prebiotics

Photo source: Medical Xpress

Probiotics are good bacteria that live in our gut and it plays an important role in maintaining a good immune system as it fends against opportunistic pathogens and prevents bacterial infections. Probiotics can be found naturally in cultured food such as yogurts, kimchi, and kafir. Aside from that, probiotics are also widely available in supplements and tablets form in pharmcies.


Photo source: Specim

Nuts are also effective in boosting immune system as they are rich in vitamin E, a strong antioxidant that boost our natural immune system. Aside from that, certain nuts such as almond also contains magnesium and zinc that boosts our natural immune system. Antioxidants also plays a role in protecting our cells against oxidation and promote cell longevity.

Goat Milk

Photo source: The List

Saving the best for last, our final recommendation is milk.  Milk contains all sorts of vitamins and minerals that help boost our immune system which include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and more. Among all milks available in the market, we recommend goat milk as the best milk to boost immune system.

Goat milk contains rich natural nucleotides which help to boost the natural immunity against bacteria and virus. Goat milk also contains rich prebiotics which support the growth of good bacteria in our body which in turns boost immune system.

Among all goat milk available in Malaysia, we recommend trying Karihome Goat Milk Formula.

Karihome is the leading children goat milk formula in the world, it is manufactured by Dairy Goat Co-operative (DGC), the global pioneers of goat milk manufacturer. Karihome is also the only full range goat milk formula in Malaysia to have different formulas catered towards children of varying age group.

Karihome is available in:

  • Karihome Step 3 Growing-Up Formula – Suitable for children age 1-3
  • Karihome Step 4 Pre-School Formula – Suitable for children age 4-6
  • Karihome Whole Goat Milk Adult Formula – Suitable for children age 7 and above


Aside from foods that can boost immune system, it is also important to eat a variety of foods to obtain ample nutrients needed by our body as well such as calcium and vitamin D.




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