Essential Guide for New Parents: How to Apply for Your Baby’s Birth Certificate in Malaysia 2023

Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby! As a new parent, there are many things you need to do to register your baby and obtain a birth certificate. This essential guide will walk you through the process of applying for a birth certificate in Malaysia in 2023.

How to Apply for Your Baby’s Birth Certificate in Malaysia 2023

What is a birth certificate?

A birth certificate is an official document that proves the date, time, and place of birth of a child. It is also a legal document that is required for many important tasks, such as applying for a passport, enrolling in school, and opening a bank account.

Who can apply for a birth certificate?

Either parent of the child can apply for a birth certificate. If the parents are not married, the mother must apply for the birth certificate. If the child is born out of wedlock, the father must also be present at the time of application and provide his identification.

Where to apply for a birth certificate

You can apply for a birth certificate at any National Registration Department (NRD) office in Malaysia. You can find a list of NRD offices on the JPN website.

What documents do I need to bring when applying for a child’s birth certificate?

You will need to bring the following documents to the NRD office when you apply for a birth certificate:

  1. Completed birth registration form (Borang JPN.LM1)
  2. Baby’s birth certificate (original, the hospital will provide it)
  3. Prenatal checkup record book (original and copy, Appointment Card from private or clinic/pink book from government KK)
  4. If the birth is at home, there must be a police report (original)
  5. Original and copy of the parents’ identification cards (MyKad or passport)
  6. Original and copy of the marriage/divorce certificate
  7. Death certificate of the baby’s father or mother (original and copy, if available)

Applying for a birth certificate online

You can also apply for a birth certificate online through the MyJPN portal. To do this, you will need to create an account on the MyJPN website. Once you have created an account, you can log in and submit your birth registration application.

Requirement for online application:

  • Online birth certificate applications are only available for babies who are less than 30 days old in West Malaysia and 7 days old in East Malaysia.
  • After submitting the online application, you or your parent must visit the National Registration Department (NRD) for verification within 60 days (West Malaysia) or 14 days (East Malaysia) of the baby’s birth.
  • Online applications are only available for biological mothers who are Malaysian citizens, permanent residents, or temporary residents with a 12-digit MyKad/MyPR/MyKAS.
  • Online applications are not available for twins.
  • If you do not have a marriage certificate or have a marriage certificate that is less than 6 months old (for Muslim couples), you can apply online, but both you and your husband must be present together to collect the birth certificate.
  • Babies who are over 60 days old (West Malaysia) or 14 days old (East Malaysia) are not eligible for online applications.


There is no fee for applying for a birth certificate if you apply within 60 days of the child’s birth. After 60 days, there is a late registration fee of RM50. Both parents must go to the scene to take the oath. If you wait too long to report the birth, your baby may lose citizenship.

Tips for applying for a birth certificate

  1. Make sure to fill out the birth registration form completely and accurately.
  2. Bring all of the required documents to the NRD office when you apply.
  3. If you are applying for a birth certificate online, make sure to create an account on the MyJPN website before you submit your application.
  4. Be patient. The processing time for birth certificate applications can vary.


Applying for a birth certificate in Malaysia is a relatively simple process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your application is processed quickly and efficiently.

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